Parent's Association (UPLIFT)
It is all natural that pupils’ parents play a key role at LIFT.
On the one hand, the constant listening of families’ needs, profile diversity and projects are the direction`s team guideline to develop and set up the school in all its aspects.
On the other hand, pupils’ parents, organized in a french law 1901 association and a taiwanese law non lucrative association, the UPLIFT – Union of Parents of the Lycée International Français of Taipei – play a key role in the school’s governance. (check our governance policy).
Every pupils’ parents whose children are at LIFT become ex-officio members of UPLIFT association. Each family thus has the possibility to join the association’s life, which has a legal personality of its own and the governance of which is independent from the LIFT’s one, and to directly contribute to LIFT’s life.
The annual enrolment fee, set up every year during the association general assembly, is currently 1500 nt per family.
UPLIFT’s goal is to represent and to relay to LIFT’s administration board needs, goals, points of view and propositions of all pupils’ parents. Thus, UPLIFT is a guarantor, in everydaylife and in the long term, of LIFT’s vision, especially in its accessibility, transparent and inclusive governance, and representation of the diversity of the communities educational needs. .
Each family disposes of a right to vote. The association elects every year its directors and supervisors among its members. It also elects every three years a President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, that will also sit at LIFT’s administration board, among which can be elected LIFT’s President and Vice-Presidents. UPLIFT’s association can submit questions and written propositions before the annual Administration Board meeting. The association can also demand an extraordinary Administration Board meeting to get a written answer to one or several questions raised by a majority of pupils’ parents.
In order to guarantee the highest possible level of transparency, UPLIFT directors and supervisors also receive every month all the LIFT executive committee reports, annual report, annual accounts, a 3 years strategic plan (including a business plan and tuition fees and scholarships policy) before the annual Administration Board meeting, as well as its agenda and its report.
Beyond its action within the school’s management, UPLIFT association bears the following projects:
- Contributing to the school marketing by welcoming families that want information, by sharing family experiences at LIFT ;
- Organizing activities to help raising funds and individual and institutional sponsorship, organizing LIFT’s PR related events, among which an annual gala dinner;
- Organizing family cultural events and daytrips for its members;
- Helping french families eligible for scholarship applications;
- Supporting families moving in Taipei;
- Managing a solidarity funds to fund scholarships based on academic and social criterias;
- Organizing sports and cultural activities to open school to general public, among which for instance managing the library on week-ends;
- Organizing after school activities on a volunteer basis by parents for LIFT`s pupils. Organizing cultural activities (concerts, readings, conferences, workshops) within the LIFT for pupils` parents.
UPLIFT ensures that LIFT stays the school elaborated and wished by its founding members, but must also constantly enrich itself with the new families. To join UPLIFT association, please contact its secretary Pierre-André Divisia via You can join now even if you only plan to enroll your children in the future.
UPLIFT Board members 2022/2023

Alexandre Levy

Charlotte Sichere

Alexandre Paître

Stella Petitgrand
Director, Treasurer

Thibault de Trogoff

Nicolas Silvestre

Mathieu Saintes

Yihui Wu

Will Liu

Pierre-André Divisia
Substitute Director
AEFECET and UPLIFT Vice-President & Secretary since 2018. Entrepreneur based in Taiwan since 2012.

Guillaume Nadai
UPLIFT Supervisor

Emilie Cheix
UPLIFT Supervisor

Rémi Boutinet
UPLIFT Supervisor

Wei Chang
UPLIFT supervisor subsitute