LIFT Board
The LIFT Board is the governance body within which the major corporate decision-making process is taking place.
The LIFT Board, along the pupils’ parents association UPLIFT, safeguard the long-term vision and educative values of LIFT, guarantee that LIFT delivers the highest possible education services and ensures that LIFT answers to sound financially and managerial practices
Board membership:

Ms. Amy Chen
Chairwoman of the Board
(voting member)

Mr. Benjamin Lamberg
Vice-président Finances & Legal, Treasurer
(voting member)

Mr. Alexandre Levy
Vice-président School Life & Partnerships, Secretary
(voting member)

Ms. Nellie Wong
Representant of the Council of IPLIFT
(voting member)

Ms. Charlotte Sichere
Vice-President UPLIFT
(voting member)

Mr. Alexandre Paître
Vice-President UPLIFT
(voting member)

Mr. Anthony Belin
School Head
(ex-officio voting member)

Ms. Marine Verchain
Staff representative
(invited member)
Ms. Cécile Renault
Cultural Counsellor of the Bureau Français de Taipei
(observers member)
The LIFT Board is composed of the pupils’ parents association UPLIFT Bureau (3 voting seats), of elected representatives of the French business community who has funded the investments costs of the school (3 voting seats), the Head of School (1 voting seat), the elected LIFT staff’s representative (1 non-voting observer member), of a representative of the Bureau Français de Taipei (1 non-voting observer member), and of a representative of AEFE (1 non-voting observer member).
The LIFT Board was set-up on November 2, 2022 during the General Assembly of the pupils’ parents association UPLIFT, the legal entity founding the school, by delegation of part of its management powers over the school. On this occasion, the pupils’ parents association UPLIFT alsod provided the Board prerogatives:
- Draft and vote a “Strategic Brief”, a document articulating the vision for the next 3 years to be used as a road map of the development of LIFT and revised annually.
- Approve the annual accounts of LIFT (UPLIFT annual accounts being validated annually by the UPLIFT General Assembly).
- Approve an updated 3-years School project, business plan (including. tuition fees policy) revised annually.
- Manage the financial instrument used for fundraising “Options de Fondateurs”’s issuance, appraisal and transactions.
- Recruit or dismiss the Head of School of LIFT and Head of the Kindergarten established by UPLIFT and to determine his or her salary packages and compensations.
- Decide relocation of LIFT.
- Vote any decisions with regards to LIFT financial management as it consider appropriate.
- Grant to the School Executive Committee a discharge for their management during said financial year.
Meeting minutes and decisions of the Board are disseminated to pupils’ parents of LIFT.