A word from the LIFT Board Chairwoman

A very warm welcome to LIFT (Lycée International de Taipei)!
LIFT was just created in 2022, behind a group of parents from the French speaking community with more than 3 years of volunteer work of preparation, as there is a strong need to address the increasing demand of the French, French-speaking and French-lovers communities, also complementary to current offer, in the meanwhile open to Taiwanese community.
LIFT is rooted by below values & beliefs:
We create a trilingual, culturally diverse learning environment. In pursuing pedagogical excellence, we respect the individual differences of each student and aim to develop the full potential of each student to become a global citizen and socially engaged change agent.
With a transparent, inclusive and participatory form of governance: Today LIFT Board is composed of 7 members, with representatives of parents, the school Head of School And French business community, to support and define the long-term development roadmap of LIFT in Taiwan. In addition, we have a very engaged UPLIFT (Union des parents du LIFT) to support the school. Operational management is entrusted to our passionate teaching & administration team under the leadership of the Head of School.
An affordable school as a non for profit organization, we don’t have private investment, all capital and operational expenditures are financed by its own revenues, mainly tuition, sponsorship & donations, any potential profit will be reinvested into LIFT development. We put the development of LIFT as the best interest.
I take this opportunity to reassure you that LIFT has obtained strong support from many important stakeholders, including BFT, Taipei City Government, Education Bureau, Liu Gong High School, and many business & French communities to make our future success!
There is a Chinese saying: 十年樹木、百年樹人
It takes 10 years to grow a tree, but a hundred years to rear people.
This shows education is a long-term commitment, and continuous pursuit of excellence.
Our mission is to make our children the change agents of the future to bring a big impact to our society.
In this very meaningful journey, thank you for your support and welcome to be part of us!
A word from the Head of School
Dear parents,
The first time I heard about LIFT a few years ago, the original idea and the fostered values directly echoed my teacher’s concerns and practices. Then this new school took a larger part in my life, until I had the intimate and deep-seated conviction that LIFT can offer a unique, innovative and ambitious learning opportunity.
We are proud to work to invent a school that meets the expectations and requirements of every family, a school that genuinely cares about potential and singularity of each child, a school that will create lasting memories, a school that will cross borders and will train citizens to build tomorrow’s world.
What could be better for an educator to be able to build, patiently, step by step, an innovative learning project based on combined experiences of parents, teachers and researchers? This is indeed our goal: to offer, with humility but professionalism, an educational place in which various stakeholders, various languages and various perspectives can communicate without fear of questioning certainties and thus continuously improving to the best possible teaching.
I am happy and confident to meet families and children to guide them on this journey and to start writing together the first pages of a new, promising, school.
Anthony Belin
Head of School